Thursday, November 13, 2008

My First Blog!

Its time for me to start blogging, I dont know how to start though! I wanted to start writing things on internet long back but never had the chance to write(You know I am lazy to start with). But it all started like this, I am currently sitting in a computer lab( I drop Ramya to school and wait for her till she finishes her class, as she is doing her Master's ) and kind of bored and looking for something to do to pass the time, In the past 1 hour, I checked my email, CNN, Rediff, covered most of the news I found interesting, Here I was looking at the google labs and their recent developments they are including in the gmail (I am huge fan of google and their products), Then I saw the blogger from google. I thought this is the day to start my blogging. Here it goeeeeeeesssssssssssssssss!!!

I knew that I registered for this when google launched this product( I guess in 2003, its been such long that I wanted to start the blog). I tried signing in, but you know I couldnt login as I dont remember my password. After my successful login, I started exploring the site and the options they have(This is what I like the most than writing as I am not used to and not being good at that). But neways, After succesfully exploring, My writing took off the runway. Hope I will continue to post something periodically to keep my blogging habit alive.

More to Follow...