Monday, November 17, 2008

New look to the BLOG-Added Gadgets

I have been working on my blog all weekend to improve the look of it. I started playing with choosing different templates, changing the font size, color and modifying the HTML code(Even though I know nothing about HTML), However I suggest you to save the template to your local computer before making changes to the code, By doing this, if your modified code doesnt work properly you can always load the working template from your computer to get it back to where it was.

The page width with the default template was too narrow for me to add gadgets to the page, so I played with the code to increase the page width, After successfully doing this, I added few gadgets(Like adding the search bar on the top, list of blogs I follow, etc). There are plenty of websites which offer their own gadgets, which you can add them to your blog. Some you can directly link them to the blogger and some gadgets generates a HTML code ,to have them added in the blog, follow the instructions by the website to edit the HTML code of the template or use the "Add HTML/Java Script" gadget in the blogger. If there is a HTML code for a particular gadget and you want to add this to your blog, simply copy the code and in the layout go to "Add gadget option" and add the "Add HTML/Java Script" gadget and paste it in the box provided, If you want to name the gadget you can enter it in the Title field or you can even leave the title field as blank.

I added the "headline animator", "traffic hits by Feedburner" using the HTML gadget. List of recommended software for your computer, also included the latest news for the topics I chose. Added custom search for my blog, included "Adsense" (You can Earn Money from relevant ads on your website, based on the size and traffic to your blog).

I will continue to update the blog and add more features to make this blog interesting. Here's a short video from youtube on how to add gadgets to the blog. Its very short but very useful.

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